Support for continence, pelvic floor rehabilitation and pelvic pain
A pelvic floor physiotherapist is a physiotherapist who has completed further training in continence and pelvic floor muscle rehabilitation. They have extensive experience in treating both men and women with incontinence, bladder or bowel problems and pelvic pain. Pelvic floor physiotherapists use a variety of treatment techniques, including training the pelvic floor muscles, education and lifestyle advice.
A GP referral is not needed to see a Pelvic Floor Physiotherapist, however, Medicare Rebates are available with a GP referral with an EPC Care Plan for Physiotherapy. Only minimal gap fees apply if an appropriate GP care plan is in place.
The pelvic floor muscles control the bladder and flow of urine.
Patients with chronic, persistent pelvic pain can access the pelvic pain clinic at APC. Find out more about this service here..
For patients who have been advised to perform pelvic floor exercises, the following educational video of the pelvic floor muscles, and how to perform pelvic floor exercises correctly, will help you understand the process.
This video shows you how the pelvic floor muscles work and how to perform pelvic floor muscle exercises